


Mr.Gong Rui the president of labour union of Group Co. was inspecting and guiding the heat stroke prevention work

 Mr.Gong Rui the president of  labour union of Group Co. was inspecting and guiding the heat stroke prevention work on August 7, Mr. Gong Rui defied the intense heat and visit production line and stayed more than 2 hours, who visit Chenyang North Area, Chenguang Mei Bo , white emery , Chenguang JECT respectively .Whatever he arrived he made a cordial talk with works and made him known the details of the goods for heat stroke prevention and the performance of heat stroke prevention measures.
President Gong expressed his satisfaction with the heat stroke prevention work and pointed out that the leaders must pay attention to the heat stroke prevention, concern our works, each measure must be performed completely and fully ,we must put the benefit of the works on the first position which reflected the spirit principle of “concern the work keep no change”.

?2015 濟寧碳素集團有限公司 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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